Tststsssssss......goes the sound of mother nature
smoldering the flame of Arizona's heat inferno.
Ignited is cinnamon, socks, warm cider, straw,
rosy cheeks, chilly evenings, fuzzy scarfs and wood crackling fires. Wait......
sCratCH... (pretend to hear a record album come to a
screeching halt). Let's face it, in our neck of the woods,
uhh I mean desert, we only experience the above mentioned in movies such as "Dan in Real Life" (which I have watched repeatedly) and "
Hocus Pocus" (my favorite). Where trees actually turn shades of red, orange and yellow, crumpled leaves pile in yards, sweaters and scarfs come out of hibernating boxes. Where tips of noses turn a soft shade of pink and an
exhaled breath in the morning is a puff cloud of white.
I find myself wanting to taste the nutmeg, touch the yarn, feel the warmth and smell the dusty bitter air when it peeks it's apple pie head around the corner. Fall can't come to ME in the literal sense of the word, but I can come to IT, in a leafy tradition and orange festive touch. A pumpkin spice candle, baked walnut and apple desert, muffins, everything stick colored, soft quilts, warm cinnamon tea with honey, make an appearance or two at the Bairds (even if we still have the option of swimming, wearing sunscreen and having outdoor barbeque's).

These are the best days of the whole year and an opportunity to "turn a
w leaf". Here is to freshly sharpened
pencils and golden
appled evenings spent with the
familiarities of a new SEASON.
Psssst, it's almost