KEEP CALM and CARRY ON: A mantra that does my body and SOUL good. IT seems as though the times we are facing may take us back to the basics. Before our consumer minds were crazed with the next fix and WANT was just a glimmer. My heart is heavy from the struggles that be grudge. Perhaps struggle, is a blessing in disguise that presents itself in a bruised and battered package, whose contents prove to be a treasure.
It often seems as though we cannot see what is right before us, but that it takes a fine tooth comb to discover the nitty gritty of the everyday that is combined to form matter, you know the matter that REALLY "matters". Matter by definition is "That of which the sensible universe and all existent bodies are composed; anything which has extension, occupies space, or is perceptible by the senses; body; substance". You see, it is when we focus on OUR content, rather than the extrinsic that tend to lead us a stray.....with the microscopic lens of our composition that we can realize the blessings....WITHIN.