

Arnold Palmer would be proud as the day was spent at the FBR in Scottsdale. We came equipped with our button down striped shirts and sun dresses. We forgot this golf fest does not attract the sophisticated air (as of course we had anticipated ;) ).... but quite the opposite, wild banshees and drunkard barbarians.

Ahuhahuhahuhahuhah (long cigarette in hand, quick flick to the side) we made sure to look down upon our lesser counterparts with a smug grin. FORE!

For those of you needing a lesson on what exactly the FBR is...click here (just know now you are thought less of as well).

Yours Truly,

The Yuppies

P.S This is who we were pulling for. He gave a tough fight, but came out as a loser in the end. Perhaps NASCAR would be a better fit? There is always next year Charly.