Environmental admission: IT is a guilty pleasure to select the thickest of magazines with the glossiest of finishes. Deep in my heart I know with each paper bundled booklet, I am axing mother natures friendly trees to the grave. I might as well take a match to Tonto National Forrest and Enjoy the sparked spectacular view. I DO however also love the ACT. Licking my thumb and pointer finger pinched together as if holding a grain of sand, leaving slick spitty residue to stick and turn the heavily glossed pages while a crisp flick finishes it ALL off. Leisurely meandering through ( back to front is my style) as if I were browsing down a store aisle, inspecting contents like they were the last thing left in the world.
Perhaps the click of my little black mouse or the stamp stamping of my keyboard arrow button could prove to provide the same effect. We'll see, In the meantime, I will enjoy this new website subscription venture.