white, delicate, lace, fall slow
whirl, fleet, up and down, finally down
land, soft, fury of white
A movie review (by yours truly):
The human condition is put under a microscope and illuminated in the movie "SNOWCAKE".
My Take: The feeling of connection and sameness may be difficult to gain in a world where to most you are just another speck amongst an infinite amount. But to a few, the ones that matter...Dazlious.
A snowflake saunters to the ground from the sky with the vast number of mute white, unknown territory until it joins the army of others on the blanket of ground, uniquely different yet all the same.
This movie "takes the cake" on so many levels, that I would not do it justice in summary. Here, enjoy a slice or two (wink):
(Playing Comic Book Scrabble)
Linda: "B-A-A-N-G". Alex: "You can't have two A's in bang. Linda: "In Comic Book Word Scrabble, you can. You can have three A's if you want".
(On Alex's appearance)
Linda: "Do people like you Alex"? Alex: "Not much, no". Linda: "I'm not surprised. It's because those glasses don't look right on your face, you have a long face and those glasses make you look shifty".
(From Linda, who happens to have Autism)
"Neurotypical people are obsessed with having friends. I'm only trying to help you get some".
See it. It is Perfectamundo!