A bull shirt with horns and stripes scored for the HUZ-BAND at a whopping .99 cents from a local, shall I say cost friendly store. Who would have thought that this would be my huz's new equivalent to a "Mister T" shirt at say age 6, that got the little fuzzy balls and faded logo from too much washing and wearing. You know, we all had that article of clothing, blanket and/or stuffed animal (mine was a strawberry shortcake skirt with frilly lace that was degraded to a rag).
First some background: If I ever have any kind of inkling of buying clothing for the huz, it has to be cheap and NON BRAND (AKA, Target, Mexico's street market and my personal favorite Walgreens... specifically shirts with themes such as the quintessential dancing kachina and the timeless purple mountain with the howling desert coyote in the forefront. It's easy to get carried away).
This is the guy that expressed excessive, unrelenting refusal and would not even TRY ON a pair of Abercrombie jeans that I bought him (back in the day, you know, when there was a song about it), which now I can appreciate as I have since moved on from the lacrosse/cricket/tea enjoying "scene". He'd be perfectly fine wearing stretchy sweat pants and tapered white wash jeans (which he was famous for in high school).
Well, I knew "I had him from hello" when I came home that day with the see through plastic bags full to the brim, it's contents exposed. The "gently used" shirt treasures ranged from a Miami Vice Esq see through pastel pink button up with turquoise and lavender stripes (think day at the beach, chest hair exposed), blue paisley pattern (a little femme, I'll admit),to his personal FAVE, El BRAVO(can't blame him, have you seen the intricate stitching). Who knows if it's because the tag says Roper, in his words "A real cowboy brand" or his dreamy thoughts of the handle bar mustache, boot and spur stomping, ass hugging wrangler wearing of a rustic Ranch Man who used to own it. What can I say, whether it is because of the previous owner or original grass roots, as long as he keeps sportin it (it's been a week and he has worn it 5 out of 7 days), I'll support whatever fantasy he conjures up.